First half of 2024 shows growth in tourism business.

August, 2024

First half of 2024 shows growth in tourism business.


In the first half of 2024, overnight stays grew by 4.5% to 35.5 million, resulting in increases of 12.3% in total revenue and 12.1% in revenue from accommodation. This increase was mainly due to overnight stays from non-residents, which grew by 5.8 per cent, while overnight stays from residents grew more modestly (+1.4 per cent).


It is worth noting that the municipalities of Lisbon and Porto together accounted for more than half of the total overnight stays from the Brazilian (60.8%), North American (59.7%) and Italian (57.3%) markets in the 1st half of the year.


Considering all existing means of accommodation, there were 3.3 million guests and 8.5 million overnight stays in June, reflecting growths of 6.7% and 4.8% respectively.


Overnight stays by residents rose by 3.5 per cent and those by non-residents by 5.4 per cent.


With regard to revenue, it should also be noted that in the first half of 2024, total revenue grew by 12.3 per cent and revenue from accommodation grew by 12.1 per cent, as a result of the 4.5 per cent growth in overnight stays in this period (+1.4 per cent for residents and +5.8 per cent for non-residents).


In accumulated terms for the year, total revenue totalled 2.8 billion euros and revenue from accommodation totalled 2.1 billion euros.


Source: INE

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