Competitor Analysis Portugal – Spain | June 2023

August, 2023

Between January and June 2023, hotel units in Portugal registered 10,896.6 thousand guests (+20.7%), which generated 27,901.5 thousand overnight stays (+18.2%), a performance higher than that seen in Spain with an increase of 13.6% in guests (56,421.7) and 12.8% in overnight stays (178,504.2), compared to the same period in 2022.

According to the National Statistics Institutes of Portugal and Spain, in the first six months of 2023, foreign guests increased by 29.4% in Portugal and 21.5% in Spain; and overnight stays by foreigners grew by 23.5% in Portugal and 17.1% in Spain (var.23/22). In the same accumulated period, but compared to 2019, Portugal also outperformed its neighbor. In guests, Portugal grew by 10.9%, while Spain rose by 2.3%; and in overnight stays, Portugal increased by 9.2%, while Spain fell by 0.2%.

Source: TravelBi

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