
A people-centred digital future

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Public expenditure on education

9 955,3 million €

4,6% of GDP

Source: Statistical Yearbook of Portugal 2022


Taxa de transição/ conclusão no ensino secundário


Taxa de retenção e desistência no ensino básico

Fonte: Anuário Estatístico de Portugal 2019

Distribution of enrolments in higher education by region

School year 2019/2020

Source: DGEEC – Direção-Geral de Estatísticas de Educação e Ciência

Higher education establishments

per mainland region (region / Portugal):

Source: INE, I.P., 2021-2022

Students enrolled in higher education

per mainland region (region / Portugal):


5.2 M

Active population

5 M

Inactive population

4.9 M

Employed population

1 289,5 €

Average monthly earnings

Source:  Anuário Estatístico de Portugal 2022

Employment rate of the resident population

aged 20-64, by region, 2022

Source: INE, I.P., 2022

World Talent Ranking 2022 / 63 countries


Labor market growth


Female workforce


Graduates in science


Language skills

4 Universities of Management in the best in the world

Financial times

European Business School Rankings – 2022

#24 / of 95

Nova School of Business and Economics


#27 / of 95

Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics

#59 / of 95

Porto Business School



#65 / of 95

ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management

Turismo de Portugal´s Schools

National network of 12 hotel and tourism schools

Leaders in training human resources for tourism
Training and capacity building courses and programmes adapted to market requirements and based on innovative learning models

Training offer

Initial training
Admission requirements: 9th grade of schooling
Admission requirements: 11th grade of schooling
Executive Training
The network of Turismo de Portugal schools also supports tourism enterprises and professionals through:

More information:

Admission requirements: 12th grade of schooling

3 000


Less than

3 months

placement time


employability rate

3 months after completion of the course


Integration at the internship site

Aiming to recruit talent?

We have a qualified and experienced team, with industry insights and an extensive network of partners, prepared to accompany you along the way.