Living in Portugal

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Visa and permit

Entering Portugal

You need a long-stay visa (temporary stay visa if the stay does not exceed one year or visa to obtain a residence permit if the length of stay is longer) to stay in Portugal for more than 3 months or to establish your residence.

The type of visa to obtain depends on the purpose of travel:

Where to apply

At the Portuguese Consular Office in the country of residence.

See the list of Consular Offices here.


You don't need a long-stay visa if you are:

(you need only to present an identification document or passport)

More information here.

Living in Portugal

If you are a national of a Member State of the European Union, a State party to the European Economic Area, the Principality of Andorra or Switzerland:

You should apply for an EU/EEA/Swiss Citizen Registration Certificate. which is a temporary residence permit.

Where to apply

At the Municipality of the area of Portuguese residence.

After five consecutive years as a holder of a Registration Certificate, you can apply for a Certificate of Permanent Residence Registration

Where to apply

Service counters of the Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF), with prior booking.


Consult the service counters here.


Book your appointment online here.

If you are a citizen of a Third State:

Portugal offers you special regimes for granting a temporary residence permit in a simple and fast way.


Golden Visa

Residence permit for investment activity
Not applicable for EU and EEA nationals.

Eligible activities

Any investment activity involving one of the following situations in Portugal:

Creation of a minimum of 10 jobs

Submission of proof from Social Security certifying the creation of 10 jobs.

Acquisition of real estate, whose construction has been concluded at least 30 years ago* or located in an area of urban rehabilitation and execution of rehabilitation works of the acquired real estate, in the total amount equal or superior to 350 thousand Euros

Presentation of an updated certificate from the Land Registry Office proving full ownership of the property.

* Only properties located in the Autonomous Regions of Madeira and the Azores and some inland regions are eligible.

Capital transfer equal to or higher than 500 thousand euros*, applied in research activities developed by public or private scientific research institutions, integrated in the national scientific and technological system

Capital transfers equal or over 250 thousand euros. applied in investment or support to artistic production, recovery or maintenance of national cultural heritage

Capital transfers equal or over 500 thousand euros*, destined to the acquisition of participation units in investment funds or venture capital funds focused on the capitalisation of companies

Capital transfers in the amount equal or higher than 500 thousand euros*, aimed at the constitution of a commercial company with headquarters in national territory, combined with the creation of five permanent jobs, or to increase the share capital of a commercial company with headquarters in national territory, already established, with the creation or maintenance of jobs, with a minimum of five permanent jobs, and for a minimum period of three years.

Other conditions required


WP Table Builder

More information here

Start-up Visa

Residence permit for entrepreneurship and/or innovation activities
Not applicable for EU and EEA nationals.

Hosting programme for foreign entrepreneurs who wish to develop an entrepreneurship and/or innovation project in Portugal


Foreign entrepreneurs who want to start an innovative company have access to a residence visa that will give them the possibility to create from scratch or relocate an existing Start-up to Portugal.

It shall be proven

More information here

Tax incentives
Tax system for non-habitual residents
Portugal offers incentives to foreign citizens who change their tax residence to Portugal, which operate on two levels:

Income obtained in Portugal

Income from Portuguese source of services considered of added value of scientific, artistic and technical nature (dependent and independent work) are taxed at a flat rate of 20%, instead of the progressive tax rate applicable to regular tax residents, which can go up to 48%.

Income obtained abroad

Application of the exemption mechanism or a flat tax rate, provided that certain conditions are met:



Has stayed more than 183 days in Portugal, consecutive or interpolated, in any period of 12 months or, having stayed for less time, has housing there in such conditions that make presume current intention to maintain and occupy it as habitual residence.

Double taxation agreements
To avoid double taxation, Portugal has bilateral agreements with other EU/EEA member states, so you should examine the conventions concluded between Portugal and the country of origin.
Cost of living
The cost of living in Portugal is the lowest among European Union countries
Source: Movehub

Cost of living in Lisbon


In 227 cities around the world

Cost of Living City Ranking 2023 – Mercer


In Europe

Cost of Living City Ranking 2023 – Mercer

Source: Expatistan

Reference prices



With Lisbon as a reference, the tariffs have differentiated values according to consumption levels:


It is possible to choose a free market operator. Prices vary depending on the contracted power and the type of timetable. Example of EDP Comercial tariffs (the oldest operator in the market} – BTN (Normal Low Voltage), for a contracted power of 20.7 kVA. simple tariff, 0,1846€/ kW/h energy cost, plus the value relating to the price of power (1,2194€ €/day), plus VAT at the rate of 23%.

Natural Gas


At the time of this update, the Galp Energia tariff is 0.08888€/kWh; for a consumption of 205 kW over a 30-day supply period, this is approximately 28€ per month, including the subsoil occupation tax and VAT at the rate of 23%.



The prices are updated in line with the variations in the price of a barrel of oil, and may present differences in the market. Minimum and maximum reference price values:

National Minimum Wage (monthly): 820€

Food and beverages at the supermarket


Minimum and maximum prices, on average, for some products Included in a standard shopping basket:


Source: EURES – The European Job Mobility Portal



Best Higher Education in the world

QS Higher Education System Strength Rankings 2018

The quality of the Portuguese education system is above the average of the OECD countries in the areas of science, reading and mathematics.
PISA Report – Programme for International Student Assessment: 2018

International schools

Portugal has several schools that offer, in mainstream education, international programmes such as the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) or the general certificates of the British education system General Certificates of Secondary Education (GCSE).

Eight universities in the ranking:

QS World University Rankings 2024

Portugal has adopted the Bologna Process in its universities and polytechnics, a European reform process that aims to establish a common framework for higher education across Europe. According to this structure, Portuguese universities offer three levels of degrees:

Health care

#12 /190 countries

- #6 /UE 28

Better healthcare system

World Health Report 2019

services are integrated in the SNS – Serviço Nacional de Saúde (National Health Service), supervised by the Ministry of Health, comprising health centres and public hospitals.

Registration in the SNS

To benefit from the healthcare provided by the SNS. you must register at the health centre in your area of residence, presenting:

Willing to move to Portugal?

We have a qualified and experienced team, with insights into the industry and an extensive network of partners, prepared to accompany you along the way.